There are a lot of kinds of papers out in the market as much as there are a lot of suppliers. There are those suppliers that offers the cheapest prices while some offer a premium. Some paper suppliers wanted you to order in bulk while some rely on a minimal amount of purchase for free delivery. One of my main considerations in choosing a supplier is their colored bond papers. I will be needing to stock with bond papers for this upcoming elections. Colored bond papers are popular for RISOgraph printing of flyers, posters, receipts, forms, etc. I have tried the one of the cheapest colored bond paper with our Riso MZ-770. The paper costs 40% less than most popular bond papers out there so it's really a bargain and I figured I would definitely earn more. But when I tried out printing a 100 copies, there were unusually so many paper jams. Cheap price but only going to waste my ink and time, I thought. So I tried another brand from a different supplier, which costs more. Lo and behold, there were no paper jams out of the 100 copies printed. So I did a visual and touch comparison of the two colored bond papers, the cheap one has a silky feel and it is lighter in color while the other one is a little rough but darker in color. Then I remembered that the RISOgraph printer is not capable of coated papers, or of the silky variety. If truth be told, just like most retail goods, buying cheaper brand of paper will not always offer you better alternative until you experience the brand.
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