In memory of my dog, Queenie, who died more than 2 years ago:
You might be thinking that what’s written here is something to laugh about. But it’s no laughing matter. Besides, the title LOL doesn’t necessarily mean laugh out loud. It means loss of life. Yes, my dog Queenie, whom I spent almost half of my life with, has passed away… The last moments of her life was the saddest of my life since my Lolo and Lola's(Grandpa and Grandmas) died… There she was, barely able to stand up, but she managed to eat… A lot! She was really hungry having came from the veterinary. The vet said she didn’t ate anything… Knowing Queenie, she only ate what we usually ate. Not the typical dog food found in stores… Her last meal, consists of gound beef with rice. We, I, mama, papa and my brother were glad to have her back after two days of her stay in the veterinary… Certainly, that’s the way she feels too. Being sick, you certainly would want to be with your loved ones… your family… Observing Queenie, who was really weak that time, still wanted to walk… She had this look in her eyes that told me, she missed us… When I embraced her, I felt her quiver and let out sigh of relief… My brother was really attentive to her. Queenie laid down on the towel beside my brother’s bed…. The bag of dextrose which Queenie had was carefully hanged… All through the night, the bleeding never stopped. We took turns on cleaning her up. Washed her. Watched over her. There was also a time that me and my brother cried for her… I can see from the eyes of our dog… tears. Tears… which I wasn’t sure if it is because she feels that she was dying or it is because of the joy she felt of having us together… But what I was sure of was, the time of her life was slowly fading away… we were hoping that the time would stop… Stop her from the pain she was going through and us as well… And then it came… she was taken again to the vet… The vet wanted to give another round of medication but my brother insisted that she be put to rest. I just got it from my Mom who told me that my brother called up to say that. I wasn’t there with my brother and the reason I didn’t come with them to the vet, was because I had an inkling that my brother would push for putting to sleep, Queenie because he couldn’t bare anymore the pain of seeing what Queenie had gone through… I couldn’t stand it as well and also couldn’t stand to see Queenie being put to rest… The inevitable happened. I really didn’t like the idea but I guess, it was the best thing to do. I maybe right or wrong… Then they came, with the lifeless body… My best friend… My companion… I can only whisper my last words… my last touch… Queenie has died… but she was buried in my heart…
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2 months ago
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